Amy Su, CPA
Amy Su, CPA received her Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Master's degree in Taxation. She began her career at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Amy has 23 years of tax and auditing experience with the Big Four public accounting firms and government agency. Her clientele includes expatriate, foreign national, small business, real estate broker, general contractor, international trading firm, high tech startup, and non-profit organization. Amy strives to meet each client’s needs in planning the future and always delivers highest quality services based upon her extensive knowledge and experience in all aspects of tax preparation, accounting and business financial services. She also uses this knowledge and expertise to aid in the communities within which she lives.
Amy Su 加州註冊會計師,擁有美國稅務碩士及會計學學士學位,從事會計和財經行業超過二十三年。Amy分別曾經任職於美國四大會計師事務之普华永道和安永,還曾經在加州政府擔任审计师, 負責對專業投資機構的審計。Amy的客戶包括跨國公司外派員工和在國外工作及生活的美國居民,在美國從商和投資的外國人,房地產和保險經紀,國際貿易公司,硅谷高科技初創公司和它們的創始團隊,本地和跨州的中小企業以及非盈利組織。Amy經驗豐富,專業知識紮實,作風精益求精,在業界有著良好的聲譽。Amy將利用自身的經驗優勢,竭誠為您提供優質的全方位服務。
Li Wang, CPA
Li Wang, CPA is a managing advisor at our firm. She worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers, one of the Big Four accounting firms and a VP of Finance for a US Public Company. She specializes in individual and business tax savings, asset allocation and provides tax, accounting, financial planning, M&A due diligence, international corporate finance and CFO services for 20 years.
Emma Zeng is an Enrolled Agent by IRS. She received her bachelor’s degree from Fujian Normal University in China, and AA degree in DeAnza College in the U.S. Emma Zeng has 13 years of experience in Bookkeeping, Payroll, and Incorporation service. Emma is dedicated to helping clients achieve business success by handling most of the bookkeeping and financial statements work in this firm. She is very oriented and motivated, and most importantly trusted by clients.
Emma Zeng 聯邦政府註冊稅務師,在福建師範大學獲得學士學位,以及美國德安扎學院獲得會計學位。Emma在簿記,工資,稅務和公司服務方面擁有十三年的經驗。Emma是记账,工资税 和公司註冊方面的專家,一直致力於幫助客戶處理相关方面的工作,為客戶排憂解難。她以積極主動的工作態度,熱情誠懇的工作作風,贏得了許多客戶的真誠信賴。Emma願繼續為您提供熱情周到的專業服務。
Meiyu Xing, EA
Meiyu Xing is an Enrolled Agent by IRS. As an Enrolled Agent, Meiyu is the federally licensed tax practitioner who specializes in taxation and also have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. She earned her bachelor's degree from Xi'an University of Science and Technology and master's degree from Missouri University of Science and Technology. Meiyu has 11 years of experience in individual and business tax preparation services. She also provides financial planning services for individuals, families and small businesses. Meiyu is not only knowledgeable but also detail-oriented. Meiyu is willing to offer tax assistance to you as always.
Meiyu Xing 聯邦政府註冊稅務師,在個人及公司稅務服務領域擁有十一年的經驗。她為個人、家庭、企業製訂全面的投資理財規劃,幫助客戶做人壽保險、退休、省稅、教育基金等方面的規劃。通過優化資產配置合理合法避稅,分散投資、降低風險的同時幫助客戶把利益最大化。目前致力於把財富管理和傳承的理念介紹給大眾,幫助公司及個人設計整體財務稅務規劃的藍圖。
Vivian Huang, EA
Vivian Huang is a seasoned accountant and Enrolled Agent with over 8 years of experience in the field. With a Bachelor's degree in accounting, she has been providing professional accounting and tax services to clients since her graduation from San Francisco State University. Vivian is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and building long-term relationships with clients while helping them navigate the complexities of accounting and taxation. Whether you need financial advice or help navigating complicated tax forms, Vivian is committed to providing you with accurate information and reliable solutions.
Vivian Huang 聯邦政府註冊稅務師,畢業於舊金山州立大學,擁有會計學學士學位。 Vivan一直從事會計和稅務方面的工作自畢業後。在做賬,會計,和稅務方面擁有超過八年的豐富經驗。 Vivian將竭盡全力為客人提供專業的會計和稅務服務。